2002 Corn Maze

Tap or scroll mouse across picture for better maze viewing. If you see a star, tap or click to see the hint!

2002 was a real learning experience for us – it seemed nothing was quite right! The design was good on paper but when we got in the field to lay it out, we found the field was just too small to fit the jack-o-lantern in. We compromised and made a smiley face that year along with the “G” and “F.” The fall months were very wet that year. The field was down off the road a ways and the corn field itself was a muddy mess. That was the turning point which caused us to decide the corn maze would be replanted every year in the original field, as it is close to the road for better public access and on top of the hill, there is excellent drainage in wet weather so the maze is usually not too muddy to walk in.

2002 Sketch
2002 Sketch

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