2007 Corn Maze

Tap or scroll mouse across picture for better maze viewing. If you see a star, tap or click to see the hint!

Family ties were still in our thoughts as we developed the 2007 corn maze design. Unknowingly, Herb and Nancy each came up with the idea of our 25th wedding anniversary announcement! So with that in mind, the paths were laid out first was the large heart shape that enclosed most of the message which included the “H” for Herb, “N” for Nancy “25 years” “at” “G” and “F” with interlocking wedding bands depicted at the bottom of the heart. Finally, with the thoughts of surprising Nancy, Herb and his helper, Ted added the “M” for our oldest child Michael and “J” for our daughter, JoElla, coming off the outer side of the heart shape. Nancy found these odd paths on opening day and was puzzled as to what was going on with that! The aerial was brought out then to reveal the special anniversary surprise! Needless to say, we had a lot of fun with this one. This year also brought a new addition to the activities at the maze. We introduced our little Haflinger horse pulling his Meadowbrook cart for rides. He had a great time and did a super job, so look for him at the maze again next year!

2007 Sketch
2007 Sketch

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