2013 Corn Maze

Tap or scroll mouse across picture for better maze viewing. If you see a star, tap or click to see the hint!

Where have the years gone? Here at Gearhard Farms, the years, 244 of them, have been spent at least in part, farming the land. This discovery was the basis for our corn maze design in 2013. We found our ancestors who farmed here included the Hays, Gillaspie, Elwood and Gearhard families; 8 generations back from the current generation of landowners! Tracing deeds and other historical documents, we collected the facts needed to apply for the Pennsylvania Bicentenniel Farm award through the state's Department of Agriculture's Farmland Preservation Bureau. More information on the Centenniel & Bicentenniel Farm program can be found here. This year's design included a combination of 17 numbers and letters plus one large irregular shape. The numbers made up the years "1769" & "2013." The letters formed two words, "THEN" & "NOW" and finally, our signature, "GF." The large shape represented the farm's history by depicting the property lines of both the 339 1/2 acres of 1769 and the current 150 acres of 2013.

2013 Sketch
2013 Sketch

Bicentenial Certificate
Bicentenial Certificate

Bicentenial Sign
Bicentenial Sign

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