2001 Corn Maze

Tap or scroll mouse across picture for better maze viewing. If you see a star, tap or click to see the hint!

Our second year’s maze was created with the shape of the field in mind. The original plan was that we would rotate corn maze fields each year, just as we rotate our other field crops. So the second field was on elongated triangle. Thus, the maze was made up of a series of connecting triangles, some dead ends and when you get close to the exit, the “G” and “F” appear with the top arm of the ”F” leading the way out. The photograph is not as distinctive as the other years because this was 2001 – the air space within 30 miles of Pittsburgh International Airport was restricted for weeks after September 11th.


Once the restrictions were lifted, the corn was dried and the stalks were brown so the contrast with the ground was diminished.

2001 Sketch
2001 Sketch

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